
Help Me Help You: How God Gives You a Helper Fit for YOU

In this post, we’ll discuss the important role of spouses in helping each other achieve their goals, dreams, and purpose in life. So, let’s dive in and explore how to create a stronger and more fulfilling marriage by fully embracing the gift of your spouse.

The Gift of a Helper

It’s essential to understand that God created us to be in relationships, specifically to help one another. As the Bible says, it’s not good for man to be alone, so God made a helper who is just right for him (Genesis 2:18). This helper, or ezer in Hebrew, doesn’t imply that one spouse is above the other; instead, it signifies that both spouses are equally equipped to support each other.

Women, in particular, have been given unique strengths and abilities that make them powerful helpers. Despite societal stereotypes, women possess immense strength, tenacity, creativity, and staying power. God has also blessed them with a softness that balances and complements their other attributes.

Helping Each Other: Key Lessons for Husbands and Wives

  1. Stay Connected: One of the first things that come under attack in a marriage is the time spouses spend together. To help each other, we must prioritize staying connected through regular communication, emotional intimacy, and shared experiences.

  2. Be Mindful of Your Spouse’s Needs and Desires: Listen actively to your spouse and try to understand their feelings, thoughts, and aspirations. Be available for them when they need to talk and make sure they feel loved, heard, and respected.

  3. Practice Patience: Patience means accepting that you may not always get what you want or need right away, and giving your spouse the time and space to grow. Remember, you may not always think the same way or understand each other, but that’s okay. Continually show excitement and love for one another.

  4. Foster a Strong Foundation: Build your marriage on a foundation of love, connection, and communication. Doing so will make it more resilient and less susceptible to serious problems like infidelity.

  5. Learn to Forgive: Forgiveness is crucial in a marriage. Be willing to forgive your spouse when they make mistakes or hurt you, and be humble enough to ask for forgiveness when you falter.

  6. Show Gratitude and Appreciation: Always be grateful for the love and connection you share with your spouse. Acknowledge the kind acts they do and make an effort to appreciate them genuinely.

  7. Understand and Speak Your Spouse’s Love Language: Knowing and speaking your spouse’s love language will help you communicate more effectively and show love in ways that truly resonate with them.

  8. Never Take Your Spouse for Granted: Recognize the value your spouse brings to your life, and express your gratitude regularly. This will help create a strong, nurturing environment where both spouses can thrive.

Final Word of Encouragement

Remember, your spouse is a gift from God designed to help you reach your full potential. Embrace this gift, and strive to create a marriage that is as strong, loving, and supportive as possible. As you grow together, you’ll enrich your own lives and those of the people around you.

We hope you’ve found value in our insights and that they’ll help you better pursue your spouse in love and understanding.

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