
When ‘I Do’ Becomes ‘I Can’t’: Struggling to Keep the Vows

Finding Strength in Unity: Meet Eric and Dr. Sakeisha Hylick

It’s not uncommon for couples to face challenges after taking their marriage vows. Eric and Dr. Sakeisha Hylick, marriage and relationship success strategists, are no strangers to these struggles.

As multi-award-winning TV producers, generational wealth builders, best-selling authors, and podcast hosts, they’ve dedicated their lives to helping couples achieve relationship breakthroughs.

Coming from families with a history of divorce, Eric and Dr. Sakeisha were determined to break the cycle in their own relationship.

With 28 years together and 24 years of marriage, they are living proof that overcoming obstacles and maintaining a strong, healthy partnership is possible.

Struggling to Keep the Vows: The Book and Workbook

During their journey, Eric and Dr. Sakeisha authored a book, “Struggling to Keep the Vows,” chronicling their experiences and the stories of other couples facing similar challenges.

Through a combination of personal accounts and practical advice, the book provides invaluable insights for couples looking to strengthen their bond and navigate the complexities of marriage.

As a complement to the book, they also created a workbook to help couples actively engage with the material, encouraging them to consistently “check up” on their relationships and avoid complacency.

Investing in Your Marriage: Lessons Learned The Hylicks believe that investing time and effort into your marriage is crucial for its long-term success. Just as you would invest in your career or personal development, your relationship requires ongoing maintenance and growth.

One key aspect of this investment is communication. Effective communication is the central hub of any successful marriage, from discussing finances and family structure to resolving conflicts and maintaining a healthy sex life.

Couples must learn to express their wants and needs and actively listen to their spouses.

Another important element has a shared vision for the future. This includes discussing topics like retirement plans, family values, and even the size of the home you want to live in.

By aligning your goals, you can create a strong foundation for your partnership and make collaborative decisions that benefit your entire family.

The Power of Family Structure

Eric and Dr. Sakeisha emphasize the importance of a strong family structure. This includes teaching children about respect, marriage, finances, and generational wealth.

When a solid family structure is established, it benefits the couple, their children, and the community at large.

Better marriages lead to better families, creating stronger communities, cities, states, and nations.

Investing in our relationships and nurturing the bonds we share with our spouses can ultimately contribute to a better world.

Getting in Touch with Eric and Dr. Sakeisha Hylick

If you want to learn more about their work or access their resources, you can visit MarriagesCanWin.com or connect with them on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Remember, the success of your marriage is in your hands – don’t wait until it’s too late to invest in the most important partnership of your life.

Effective Communication Masterclass

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