
Tips to Fighting Fair in Your Marriage

Don’t Let the Little Things Turn into a Big Thing

In every marriage, conflicts are inevitable. But how you handle disagreements can make a significant difference in the health of your relationship.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips and insights for fighting fair in your marriage and how to prevent small issues from becoming larger problems.

Silent Killer

One common mistake many couples make is avoiding conflict altogether. Instead of addressing issues, they push them aside, hoping they’ll go away alone.

This can lead to a buildup of unresolved feelings and resentment, which can be detrimental to the relationship. Communication is key in resolving disagreements, so don’t let the “silent killer” take over your marriage.

Don’t Be Mean

When you’re arguing with your spouse, it’s important to remember that the goal should be to resolve the issue at hand, not to hurt each other.

Be mindful of your tone and words, and avoid making personal attacks or bringing up past issues.

Remember that you’re on the same team and that your ultimate goal is maintaining a loving and supportive relationship.

Set Boundaries

Establishing boundaries in your arguments can benefit you and your spouse.

Agree on rules for how you will discuss disagreements, such as not raising your voice, not interrupting each other, and sticking to the issue at hand.

Setting these boundaries allows you to create a safe space for both of you to express your feelings and work through conflicts together.

Don’t Argue About How to Argue

It’s essential not to get sidetracked by arguing about how you’re arguing. Focus on resolving the issue at hand and avoid getting caught up in disagreements about the process.

Think About What You Say

Be mindful of your words during disagreements, and consider how your spouse might interpret them.

What may seem like harmless teasing or sarcasm to you could be hurtful to them. Make an effort to communicate your feelings and concerns clearly and respectfully.

Learn to Anticipate

Understanding and anticipating your spouse’s needs and preferences can help reduce conflicts in your marriage.

By showing empathy and considering their feelings, you can avoid unnecessary arguments and foster a more harmonious relationship.

Sharing Your Testimony

As a couple, sharing your experiences and what you’ve learned with others can be helpful. By discussing your journey, you can offer support and guidance to those who may be facing similar challenges in their relationships.


Remember, don’t let the little things become big issues in your marriage. Communicate openly and honestly, set boundaries, and be kind and respectful during disagreements. If you find that you need additional support, consider seeking professional help or reaching out to others who have faced similar challenges.

By following these tips and working together as a team, you and your spouse can create a strong and healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime.

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