How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Your Marriage
How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Your Marriage. Many couples struggle with discussing their needs and setting boundaries in their marriage.
…I want to go back and talk about the children. We did our best to keep it behind closed doors.
Why we decided to separate
The children were affected by the tension in the house and the question Where’s Daddy?
Is infidelity the only issue
Even though there was no infidelity, men still need to go to counseling because there are other issues they can have.
Our issues were emotional.
We were married before, had a child very young, and fell in love when we met. However, we still hadn’t worked out whatever we hadn’t worked out in the first marriage.
I’m a grown man
All the stuff that he had, all the stuff that I had, all the mixed messages, all of it clumped up into one place because now we are grown-ups.
No one can have all the right answers and make all the correct decisions, but if we didn’t learn how to communicate better, our children would still suffer.
Our children will suffer.
The kids would have suffered in two houses instead of one Real thought. We had to own that and fix that.
We had to fix that
It was hard for us to learn how to exist and be each other’s support system because we were still raising our children. We didn’t want to keep putting them through having to pick mommy’s or daddy’s sides.
Premarital counseling
We’re going to counseling, and at first, it was for the children’s sake, but then Vince decided he wanted to go for himself. The children noticed the change in their parents, and sometimes we do ourselves and our kids a disservice by pretending they cannot see.
Marriage is not about love.
Marriage is not about love; it’s about producing, reproducing, and multiplying to build God’s kingdom. When we try to get our way in the marriage, we are tearing it apart, and most of the time, the couple destroys the marriage.
The institution of marriage
We decided to take the vow to marry each other, and God is honoring the institution of marriage. We’ve both been mirrored before, and we’re both ready to commit to each other.
Some people try to backtrack and unravel their vows, while others say they were so in love they made the exchange, or they were getting enough of what they liked to compromise for it.
More of what you didn’t like
You said she was getting more of what she did like. The true test of how much you love someone is when you’re angry with them.
The true test of love
When I was looking good, we were hanging out and doing all these things that made our flesh feel good, but when I pushed a button, can you respect me? And can I still speak to you with honor and dignity?
One of my mentors, Miss Ernestine said the most profound thing to me when I was offended by something a man had said to me. She said the offense is a choice, which changed my focus.
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How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Your Marriage. Many couples struggle with discussing their needs and setting boundaries in their marriage.
Many couples struggle with discussing their needs and setting
boundaries in their marriage. This can lead to guilt when expressing
dissatisfaction or saying “no.” However, establishing healthy
boundaries is essential for a thriving relationship.
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