How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk and Build a Stronger Mindset


Transform Your Marriage with Positive Self-Talk and a Christ-Centered Mindset

Introducing Jim and Carla Keibler: Christian Marriage Mentors

Vincent and Valerie Woodard are excited to welcome Jim and Carla Keibler, global leaders in helping Christian marriages become Christ-centered and create thriving, loving relationships. Hailing from Southern Indiana, this couple has been married for 10 years.

It has dedicated their lives to guiding others in mindset awareness, developing effective communication skills, and emphasizing the importance of spiritual unity.

The Power of Self-Talk in Marriage

Self-talk is the internal dialogue that influences how we see ourselves and our relationships. When our self-talk is negative, it can prevent us from enjoying life and experiencing the abundant love that God designed for us.

Jim and Carla are passionate about helping couples transform their self-talk to create strong, loving marriages that impact both the couple and their families and communities.

Jim’s Story: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Expression

As a young girl, Jim was told to never speak up because others would think she was stupid. This damaging comment led to years of internal struggle and fear of expression.

Through prayer and personal growth, Jim broke free from the chains of negativity and now uses her voice to encourage and empower others to embrace their God-given gifts and talents.

Carla’s Story: Finding Confidence and Changing Perspective

Carla also experienced the stifling effects of negative self-talk, which led her to remain quiet and avoid speaking up in class. In her early 20s, she realized she needed to change her perspective and stop taking others’ opinions so personally.

This shift in mindset allowed Carla to grow in confidence and become more outgoing, verbal, and expressive.

Navigating Hurtful Comments in Marriage

When faced with hurtful comments from a spouse, Jim and Carla suggest addressing the issue lovingly and calmly. Couples can resolve conflicts and maintain a healthy, supportive relationship by discussing the issue with understanding and empathy.

Keeping God First in Marriage

Jim and Carla emphasize the importance of putting God above everything else in a marriage. By maintaining a strong relationship with God, spouses can treat each other with love and respect, even when faced with negativity or challenges.

Marriage: Focusing on What’s Right, Not Who’s Right

To build a successful, loving marriage, Jim and Carla recommend focusing on “what’s right, not who’s right.” By seeking God’s truth in every situation, couples can navigate disagreements without getting caught up in need to be “right.”

Developing a Relationship with God

For those who don’t know God or have spouses who don’t, Jim and Carla suggest surrounding oneself with godly people and seeking out opportunities for spiritual growth, such as attending retreats or joining Bible study groups.

Cultivating a Mindset for Success

Jim and Carla have written a book, “Cultivate Your Mindset for Success,” which offers guidance for transforming one’s life, marriage, and business by implementing mindset-changing steps. This valuable resource can help readers take control of their thoughts and walk in their God-given purpose.

Connect with Jim and Carla Keibler

To learn more about Jim and Carla’s ministry and how they help couples find a kingdom mindset, visit their website, Broken into Greatness, or follow them on Facebook.

Vincent and Valerie Woodard encourage you to share their insights with friends and join a community of married couples dedicated to edifying and supporting one another.

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