Don’t Give Up on Love: Tips for Fighting for Your Marriage


Revitalize Your Marriage: Overcoming Challenges and Strengthening Intimacy

Introduction: An Interview with Dr. Carol Peters Tanksley Vincent and Valerie Woodard of Couples Pursuit recently had an insightful interview with Dr. Carol Peters Tanksley, an expert on the integration of wholeness for body, mind, and soul.

Dr. Carol shared invaluable advice on fighting for your marriage, improving intimacy, and maintaining a healthy relationship.

This blog post will summarize key takeaways from their conversation, offering guidance on strengthening your bond with your spouse.

Fighting For Your Marriage, Not Against It Too often, couples fight against their marriage instead of working together to build a stronger relationship.

Dr. Carol emphasizes that if both partners have reasonably good intentions and hearts, a marriage can work by focusing on what each person can change.

By approaching problems as a team, couples can transform their relationship and foster love, romance, and intimacy.

Understanding the Real Enemy, Dr. Carol reminds us that the true enemy is not your spouse but rather the forces of darkness that seek to destroy marriages.

By recognizing this, couples can work together to overcome challenges and protect their relationship from negative influences.

Two Important Questions for Married Couples Dr. Carol shares two crucial questions that can help partners reflect on their role in the marriage:

  1. What’s it like to be married to me?
  2. Who does Jesus want me to be to my spouse?

By asking these questions and praying for guidance, couples can better understand each other’s needs and grow together in their relationship.

Effective Communication: Addressing Challenges Together Couples should be mindful of when and how they address problems in their relationship.

Dr. Carol advises against interrupting your spouse’s leisure time to discuss issues and, instead, find a more appropriate moment to engage in constructive conversation. Remember, every marriage faces challenges, but the key is to face them together.

Allowing Emotional Expression, It’s essential to create an environment where both partners feel comfortable expressing their emotions.

Dr. Carol encourages couples to allow their children to express emotions in comfortable ways, so they can grow up with healthy communication skills.

Intimacy and Emotional Support Dr. Carol emphasizes the importance of intimacy in a marriage and suggests that partners actively work on understanding and supporting each other emotionally.

This may involve helping your spouse express their emotions or learning more about their needs and desires.

The Connection Between Body, Mind, and Soul As an Ob-Gyn and personal coach, Dr. Carol has a unique perspective on how our bodies, souls, and spirits are connected. By understanding these connections, couples can work on nurturing their relationship on multiple levels.

Conclusion: Fight for Your Marriage Dr. Carol’s e-book, “Fight For Your Marriage,” is a valuable resource for couples looking to strengthen their relationship.

To learn more, visit her website and download the e-book. Remember, focusing on God and addressing your own areas for growth can bring you and your spouse closer together.

If you found value in this blog post, share it with others and continue to explore the Couples Pursuit website for more guidance on nurturing a healthy, loving marriage.

Learn more about Dr. Carol by visiting her website here: Download the free ebook Fight FOR Your Marriage – Successfully here:

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