Discover the True Meaning of Righteousness by Grace


Welcome to Comedy Pursuit Live Bible Study Edition! Vincent and Valerie Woodard invite you to join them on this Couples Pursuit Bible Study Edition episode. They will discuss righteousness and how it relates to God, who he is, and what he wants for our lives.

Righteousness through Christ

In the Old Testament, Isaiah says that all of us have sinned and come short, but in the New Testament, we are called righteous because of the righteousness of Christ, not because of our own words and our own doing.

God’s righteousness imputed unto us is basically saying that we are right before God.

But let’s break down why God imputes his righteousness onto us.

The Righteous Life and the Law

A man was asked what he had to do to get into heaven, and he listed many things. The man said he had to have a righteous life that equals God’s righteousness, and that’s impossible except through Jesus Christ. None of us can keep the law of the commandments.

We can only go before God by believing in the Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and was raised on the third day.

Seeing Ourselves Through Christ’s Sacrifice

When God looks at us, he sees Jesus Christ, and his blood covers us for the sacrifice that he made for us. This applies to all of us who have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Revealing God’s Righteousness through Faith in Jesus Christ

The scripture says that through faith in Jesus Christ, God’s righteousness is revealed and that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. So, God allowed Christ to come to give us his righteousness.

The law was given to help Adam and Eve determine what was good and what was evil in their eyes, but the authority to call something good still belongs to God.

Gift of Righteousness through Christ

Romans 5:5-17 says that the free gift of righteousness came through Christ’s death and that those who receive an abundance of grace and the gift of Righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

Receiving God’s Grace and Overcoming Condemnation

Many people don’t receive the grace of God and continue to live in condemnation because they don’t believe that they are worthy or good enough.

Dr. Tony Evans shares a story of a couple who won tickets to a cruise but didn’t feel worthy, so they stayed in their room and ate crackers, not realizing that everything on the cruise was all-inclusive.

Limiting Our Relationship with God and Others

We limit ourselves in our relationship with God and Christ because we self-condemn ourselves. This spills over into our relationships with others.

If we don’t believe we’re worthy of being in God’s presence, we won’t show up, seek his face, ask, knock, or find.

Trusting God and Working for Him

We should trust in God and work for God because we trust him. We don’t work to get to God; we work because we trust him, and he has already credited us as righteous no matter if we follow his Bible study, stop, and start again.

Faith and Works

The work is to trust God to do the will of the Father, and to do that work is to keep on doing whatever God has purposed us to do so that we can live out his plan for us.

Sharing the Good News

If you’ve experienced something great, you want to tell everyone about it. God is better than anything, so tell somebody about God,

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