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*We respect the rights of all individuals. However, our services may not be appropriate if you identify as LGBTQ, have an untreated addiction, are being physically abused, or are currently involved in an extramarital relationship.
What to expect
This Relationship Advisor is not intended to be a place to vent about everything your spouse (or future spouse) is doing wrong or how they are not living up to your expectations. It is the springboard to getting focused on "what’s right, not who’s right." Answer these questions to see where you are right now in your relationship. All we ask is that you be honest and open.
(Estimate time to complete the survey is 45 minutes)
Do you agree to be honest and open?
I will try, but I cannot promise anything
Since we started Couples Pursuit, we have determined 5 Biblical Principles Govern a Successful Marriage. They are:
you pledged to each other.
you make to each other.
between each other.
you have with each other.
And the
that needs to happen as you adjust to one another.
Are you ready to explore these areas of your relationship?
I don't know but lets too late to back out now 🙂
These series of questions are related to your Covenant.
The marriage covenant (spiritual contract), initiated by God, is a foundation of promise between a man and a woman. It involves the couple and God and should be based on more than just love or intimacy. Prioritizing the marriage covenant can lead to a stronger, lasting union.
Are you currently married?
No, but I would like to get married soon
I am are engaged
What role does God play in your relationship, and how does that affect your and decision-making process?
In what ways do you actively involve God in your relationship? Are you willing to pray with your spouse or future spouse about issues facing your relationship?
What motivated you to get married, or if you're single, why do you want to be married? Has that motivation changed over time?
What is the biggest challenge that keeps arising in your relationship, or past relationships?
These series of questions are related to your Commitment.
In marriage, couples make a lifelong commitment to each other in the presence of God. Couples can strengthen their bond and achieve a loving marriage by focusing on their relationship with God.
Are you happy with your relationship? If not, briefly explain why?
How many years have you been together?
0-2 years
2-4 years
5-8 years
9-11 years
12-15 years
15+ years
How many children do you have?
Based on your current relationship, what are the chances of breaking up?
Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
Have there been moments in your relationship where your Commitment has been tested? If so, how did you handle those situations?
These series of questions are related to your Communication.
Successful marriages require active and effective communication between partners. By developing the skill of effective communication, couples can establish a deep bond of understanding and trust, leading to a stronger and lasting marriage.
Is it easy to express your feelings to your spouse or fiance? If not, why?
How would you rate the quality of communication in your relationship on a scale of 1-10?
Are there specific topics or situations that you find challenging to discuss in a relationship? If so, what are they?
How do you handle disagreements or conflicts, and what role does Communication play in resolving them?
These series of questions are related to your Connection in your relationship.
Connection is crucial in a marriage, as it forms the foundation for effective communication. Couples should strive to stay connected and maintain the strong bond exemplified in the Bible.
How satisfied are you with the emotional support in your relationship?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with the spontaneity in your relationship?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with the time spent together in your relationship?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with the respect and admiration received in your relationship?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
These series of questions are related to Calibration.
Calibration involves adjusting a relationship according to the standards set by God. By relying on God's truth and wisdom, couples can focus on what is right for the association and diminish selfish motives, attitudes, and actions.
How satisfied are you with the financial support in your relationship?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
How do you (or would you) support your spouse's (or future spouse) health and well-being, and are you willing to adjust your lifestyle to accommodate any health concerns or needs?
Would you be open to addressing changes in your emotional or physical intimacy and working together to maintain a strong connection in your relationship?
What is your definition of a successful relationship and what aspects of yourself require improvement?
Lastly, is there any question that you would like advice on, which we haven't asked yet?
Thank you for taking the survey. Please click the submit button.
Check your inbox soon for expert advice on improving your relationship. In the meantime, we encourage couples to check out our Couples Pursuit Marriage Mastery Method Membership+Course if they want to continue pursuing a loving and long-lasting relationship. https://www.marriagemasterymethod.com
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